Frequently asked Questions
How many members do you have?
We currently have 1,899,648 members across all our investment networks around the world and this number is growing fast.
Is there a maximum/minimum investment?
Ticket and funding round sizes vary depending on the needs and desires of the entrepreneur - we have clients looking to raise funds ranging from a few thousand pounds to several million.
What are the costs?
Our service is free to investors.
How is my privacy protected?
We do not share your name or contact information with anyone except entrepreneurs you choose to connect with. Connections with entrepreneurs are made completely on your terms so your details are private until you decide to connect with a particular entrepreneur.
Who can use this platform?
This platform is designed to be used by sophisticated investors or investment professionals. Please check the registration page for more details.
How do I change my email settings?
Login to your account and click on ‘My Profile’, you can go to email settings to turn off or change the frequency. You can also change the type of email you receive through clicking on investment criteria.
Where do your pitches come from?/where do you have networks?
Our pitches are submitted by individual entrepreneurs, companies and incubators from our networks all over the world. You can use search filters and profile settings to prioritise which pitches appear in your list.
How can I prioritise which types of pitches appear to me in the lists?
Go to your profile settings and make sure you have set your investment criteria to match your investment priorities.
How can I filter pitches using your search page?
You can use our quick filters or the advanced filters in the pitch search bar to help filter pitches.
Why hasn’t an entrepreneur responded to me? How can I get more people to respond to me?
Entrepreneurs may not be responding because your profile is lacking in detail compared to other investors interested in their pitch. Entrepreneurs are likely to prioritise investors with the most professional looking profiles. Don't be afraid to send a follow up message to let them know you really are interested in getting more information.
How can I make sure an entrepreneur responds?
Entrepreneurs are likely to prioritise investors with the most professional looking profiles, so make sure you’ve filled in all the relevant sections. Imagine yourself as the entrepreneur and what would impress you in their position. Another way is to send the entrepreneur a personal message when you express interest in their pitch.
Do I have to invest through the site?
This is not a crowdfunding site. The purpose of this site is to facilitate contact between great startups and investors looking to connect with them. Once the initial contact has been established, the subsequent investment transaction takes place directly between you and the entrepreneur (not via our website).
What happens if a company I want to invest in does not meet its funding target?
The total funding required is an estimate entered by the entrepreneur. Should you choose to invest, your money will have an immediate influence as soon as you transfer it to your chosen company. The target does not have to be reached, like on crowdfunding sites, before your money is transferred. This would come down to a private discussion between you and the entrepreneur.
Do I have to do my own due diligence on companies I like?
We strongly advise you to do your own due diligence on any company you are considering investing in.
I have other questions, who do I contact?
Send us a message through the "Contact Us" page and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.